Paper model trials


I finally made the decision to test out a bit of my Blender designs in the real world. At some point it helps to have tangible results to inform future design choices. A good friend helped me construct what would be the elbow joint of the main spar of the gull ornithopter.

Screenshot (32)

What started out as sketches in my notebook translated into Blender models. From there I exported as a UV unwrap to create 2D plans. I used GIMP to maintain the proper scale and units for printing. In the future, it would be nice to have a set of plans made with symbology, directions, and vector graphic format.

The resulting structured spar was surprisingly strong considering only printer paper and PVA glue was used. I will use the card stock thickness I had in mind for subsequent testing. With a coat of methyl cellulose, it will resist deformation even more.





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